Saturday, May 30, 2009

thought it was a go...

well thrusday we thought i was in labor - it was a no go. now we are waiting and people are making predictions to when it is going to happen - we by-passed friday night, someone predicted this weekend - jason thinks tuesday or wednesday - on two evil people think i will go over by a week - hate you and you know who you are! anyway...

the baby has shifted and now i look all lopsided like i have a large mellen hanging off my right side - which of course has led me to have my right foot blow up tothe point where i cant even wigggle my toes!

1 comment:

  1. I just wrote in your Grandma and Grandpa Sowle's anniversary card, that it would be nice to get a new great-grand son as an anniversary gift on Monday...but whenever the little man decides to make his debut...hope your labor and delivery go smoothly and quickly! Love, Kork
