Friday, March 13, 2009

Husband killed in the night.....

Thats right Jason almost kicked the bucket yesterday morning when I told him to get his ass out of bed - since he was the one who wanted the alarm clock to go off at 5 in the morning. I told him that I did not appreciate getting woken up an hour before I had to when he does not get his god damm as outo f bed when the alarm goes off... he responded with the fact that he does not appreciate being woken up 15 times in the night when I go to the bathroom and all the moving around I do to stay comfertable. I said a big F.U. and informed him I did not like dragging my gargantuatan body outo f bed 15 times in the night to piss either and that I am pretty sure that I did not get pregnant on my own so at least he falls alseep right away when I who many of you know suffer from sleeping issues takes 30 to 45 minutes to fall asleep only to wake up 15 minutes later to piss AGAIN!!!!! So I said get the F out of bed NOW I am F-ING tired. I swear if I would have had a weapon on me ....... he would be dead!


  1. HA!!! Good for you! Although my wakings have been better I hear ya on the whole sleep thing...they should hold our hands and wipe our asses to make them feel how miserable we are ad what we give up. Kent gets up at 5 every day, no alarm, but my automated alarm has now been set...Sucks.

  2. Yikes! Are you really ready to be a parent? I think you need to get your act together!!!

  3. Well apparently Anonymous has never been pregnant or had mood swings.... Personally I'm empathetic...I remember when Sis was pregnant and she knew where every bathroom was in every store...
    And husbands should know better! Don't push the buttons...
