Saturday, March 21, 2009

Like a butterball turkey.....

I have now reached the stage where my ankles and legs are starting to look like a golden plump turkey. The doc says don't worry - that is because the baby spends more time on my left side than the right - the end result is that I look like i have elephantitus of the left leg.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Coincidence….. I don’t think so.

Well a strange things occured today. After an enjoyable dinner with my family at a new place. After a yummy meal of sushi [not raw =( ] The following is a fortune from my cookie today …. Remember three months from this date. Good things are in store for you. Coincidence….. I don’t think so.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Husband killed in the night.....

Thats right Jason almost kicked the bucket yesterday morning when I told him to get his ass out of bed - since he was the one who wanted the alarm clock to go off at 5 in the morning. I told him that I did not appreciate getting woken up an hour before I had to when he does not get his god damm as outo f bed when the alarm goes off... he responded with the fact that he does not appreciate being woken up 15 times in the night when I go to the bathroom and all the moving around I do to stay comfertable. I said a big F.U. and informed him I did not like dragging my gargantuatan body outo f bed 15 times in the night to piss either and that I am pretty sure that I did not get pregnant on my own so at least he falls alseep right away when I who many of you know suffer from sleeping issues takes 30 to 45 minutes to fall asleep only to wake up 15 minutes later to piss AGAIN!!!!! So I said get the F out of bed NOW I am F-ING tired. I swear if I would have had a weapon on me ....... he would be dead!

big as a house

Well - here is the latest picture of me- they said the weight gain was a result of the steriods i had to be on to get better when i was sick. i have to be honest i had second thoughts of actually posting this image but here goes....

yah i know i look like shit but ohwell

Sunday, March 1, 2009

moving around

Well this weekend has brought a new awerness in the baby growing. Now he moves around and you can see these bulges on my stomach. It's kinda wierd ...... J can even see it. Somtimes you wonder if this is how the people on Alien felt right before the baby Aliens burst from their torso.. Ha Ha..